
Proprioception and how to use it to prevent injuries

What is proprioception? Defined as an internal awareness of the location and movements of the body, proprioception is how we know where our various body parts are at any one time. Try it out now: close your eyes and touch one finger to your nose. Chances are you’re going to be pretty accurate even though…

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We are expanding !

We are excited to announce that The Courtyard Osteopaths are expanding – please spread the word! We are opening two new satellite clinics in Clifton. In June, we began working at the Berkeley Centre (off Park Street) and will be starting in the Alma Vale Centre (just off Whiteladies Road) at the beginning of July.

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Call us to find out more

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how osteopathy might be able to help you, please get in touch with us on 0117 923 1138.

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