Beating being bitten alive – insect repellents - The Courtyard Osteopaths

Beating being bitten alive – insect repellents

Beating being bitten alive – insect repellents

I don’t know about you but this is a subject close to my
heart, as I seem to be a mosi’s and midges magnet.

These critters tend to be worst at dawn and dusk and dank humid places like under trees and jungles. They are also attracted to dark clothing, perfume and cologne. Some people say eating bananas makes it worse.

A lot of people use Deet, but this is neurologically toxic so personally I’m not a fan of this.

Here’s what can help before

• Mosquito’s dislike air movement so keep the fan or aircon on in your room overnight, even if very low.
• Avon’s skin so soft dry oil spray. I used this in Costa Rica, (high density relentless midge mosi population), and it was the best, though I had to reapply every couple of hours. Scottish fishermen use this too and you can also get shampoo and body was in the range, I used to get it from Amazon but am trying not to use them now its come out they don’t pay much tax.
• Mosiguard this has all natural ingredients including lemon eucalyptus in it, which I have also found very good but not on my face (60 bites first time in Peruvian jungle, 5 bites the next time using Mosiguard)
• I recently read, Pure Virgin Coconut Oil is very good, applied as a lotion and one couple on Trip Advisor said ‘guess what?! It is amazing, the baby had 6 bites in 2 weeks’
• Some people swear by odorless garlic and B Vitamins, especially B12, for 6 weeks before you go and whilst your there. Its suppose to make your blood taste horrible. Though other people itch after taking B1 and personally it didn’t work for me in Peru, nor did taking Neem, which I’d also read about.
• You can also get an ultrasonic insect repellent and attach it to your bag. It can be used day and night it works by giving out a sound which can only be heard very faintly by the human ear but drives insects away cos of the high pitch it gives out. Its available from ebay, but don’t buy the really cheap ones.

And after

• Fresh aloe is very good. Also a drop of essential oils, lavender or tea tree, though the latter does pong a bit
• Zapper’s are meant to be good, you hold it over the bite then press the button and it gives an electric charge to the area and stops the itching. You can get them in boots.
• If you do have to itch, try rubbing above the bite, i.e. closer to your spine, the nerves for touch go up faster to your brain than pain, so also good if your bump yourself.

Have a relaxing break


25 July 2013

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